Virtual Learning Expectations
During times of virtual learning students are required to check their TMSD and Canvas accounts daily for updates. Additionally, when learning virtually, students are expected to adhere to the code of conduct and behavioral expectations of face-to-face instruction.
Please also note that expectations for grading of student work will be similar to those enacted during face-to-face instruction. Students are expected to complete online work to the best of their ability. Grades will be assigned based on assessment of a student’s proficiency of targeted skills, not simply work completion. Teachers will be available via email, video chat and phone to answer student questions during regularly scheduled school hours. Your child is able to reach out their teacher for help directly through Canvas.
Video Conferencing Safety
When participating in video conferencing, students should be dressed appropriately. To protect student privacy, we encourage that each student use a virtual background when learning online. This will help protect student privacy while they are learning from home.
Also, please note that with live video feeds, we are unable to control who else may be in the room with other students in your student’s class. If your child is participating in group instruction or therapy, utilizing online platforms, please note that it may be possible for parents of other children in the group to see your student.
We ask that families maintain confidentiality and respect the privacy of all students during this period of remote learning. Unauthorized audio or video recordings (including screencaptures, photos, etc.) or verbal/ written accounts of these sessions may be unlawful and will be referred to the appropriate authorities.
Attendance Even during times of virtual instruction, we are required to keep accurate attendance records. In accordance with guidance from the Pennsylvania Department of Education, attendance collection will be a two-fold process in which 1) students are expected to complete a daily attendance form (sent directly to their TMSD email each day) and 2) keep up to date will all assigned work. This attendance form must be completed by the student by 11:00 AM each day.
In addition to collecting daily student attendance reports, TMSD teachers will be monitoring completion of assignments and reporting concerns to district administration weekly. Failure to show consistent engagement and participation during virtual learning may result in a referral to the truancy officer.